ECM – Conference Proceedings and echos of the meeting

Dear participants,

thank you for your assistance in creating nice and successful meeting in Prague. The meeting will however remain unfinished before we publish the conference proceedings. As already announced the proceedings will be published in the European Journal of Entomology (, Czech entomological journal with current IF = 1. We decided to extend the deadline for submission your manuscripts to December 15, 2013, to make sure that the special issue with our proceedings will be out in 2014. Please use the online editorial system of the journal ( for your submissions. Participants who presented both oral and poster contributions may submit their papers to the proceedings. Please follow the instructions for authors when creating your manuscripts, do not forget to number all lines in the MS. Please indicate in the cover letter that you MS should be placed in the 16th ECM Proceedings, which will assure special treatment to your MS, which includes some influence of the meeting organizers on the review process. The review process and the final decission will be otherwise standard for the journal, i.e. articles of insufficient quality or out of the journal’s scope will be rejected. Only original work which has not been published before can be considered. After publication each of the student and regular participants will receive one free copy of the proceedings. I hope in reading many high quality papers soon.

John Holland also asked me to distribute the information about the meeting that he organizes next year. I am a bit delayed (excuse me, John) but I hope registration is still possible. You can find more information here:  

Considering the photo-sharing, I hope I will arrange this soon. Please be patient.

At the end I would like to thank you for your nice e-mails we received after the meeting.

Cheers, Pavel

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